Friday, January 13, 2012

Before + After

I have to admit this is a bit scary for me. I've never been one to show my original photos because I felt it was so personal. However, several "likers" on my facebook page expressed that they'd love to see a before + after. So I said aww what the HAY! Well, here it is, folks. My first before + after.

The model is the lovely Hannah @ Ignite Models. She has beautiful skin so I didn't have to do much retouching. For this image it was mostly just exposure and coloring.

My editing process is always different. Sometimes it will just be exposure/color changes... where as some photos require more retouching or photoshopping {ie. adding or removing objects}.
If you'd like to see more posts like this in the future please leave some feedback below. :] I would surely appreciate it.

p.s. I've been primarily blogging on my new blog: 
Be sure to subscribe for all the latest news.

Thanks for dropping by,

Monday, January 2, 2012

hello 2012!

It's that time again! 2011 has been a changing year for me and I can't wait to get going on all my plans for 2012!

I have many new things that will be taking place in the first few months of the year, and several sets of photos that will be getting published online. {So keep your eyes peeled}
2011 was a good year for fashion photography. I traveled to Minneapolis frequently and shot with a lot of amazing models. I got to photograph several weddings, seniors, and even a newborn at a the end of the year! {yes, it was my adorable little niece}

I am very pleased to announce that as of 2012 I will be primarily doing wedding photography. I will be known more now as a "wedding & portrait photographer" as opposed to a "fashion & portrait photographer" {ooooh! I know} haha, either way, I am a photographer photographing people and that will never change.

I have booked so many wonderful couples and I can't wait to photograph their weddings! I will still be shooting fashion, seniors and perhaps even a few little newborns when I can. I will always love the variety and the artistic abilities I can bring to each shoot.

I can't wait to get working on all the new things I want to show you.

One of my New Year's Resolution is to blog more, so you'll be hearing a lot more from me. : )
Please be sure to check out my other blog { }

Here are a few fashion images from this year
A couple photos from weddings I did this year. :)
thanks for stopping by